What is THE68

(pronounced The-6-8)?

Let us start with another question “What is a life verse?”

It is hard for me to explain, but I found a beautiful description by Yvonne Pratt in one of her blogs on Stonegableblog.com. Yvonne says,

A life verse is a verse from the Bible that

speaks to you in a very special way.

It seems as if it were put in God’s Word just for you!

There is usually a reason why it so resonates

with your soul and spirit and you probably

have a story connected to it.

“What’s Your Life Verse?” April 3, 2022

My life verse is Isaiah 6:8, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” (NRSVUE) For whatever reason I am connected to this verse. I do not remember when I first ran across it, and I do not remember what I was looking for when I found it. I am not even sure if I found it, or if it found me. Either way, we are inseparable. No, literally, it is tattooed on the back of my leg. I am not going into my calling to preach here, that is briefly told on the 1 Cor. 15:10 page.


What I will say that I felt like Isaiah when God called me to go. I was lost, I had an extremely poor vocabulary (I was a soldier for 15 years. I know some words), and I live in a world that is in desperate need of God. Unqualified is an understatement. But just like Isaiah, once I saw God for who He truly is, when I finally gave Jesus full access to this house that is Eric, there was no turning back.

THE68 is a mission. To go. The qualified and the unqualified. College educated and the high school educated. When God says, “who will go, who will go for us?” Join THE68 by saying, “Here am I; Send me!” Then go.